Tuesday, September 18, 2007


By Shirley M. Carolan

It is with great delight that I inform you Mira Costa College renewed my contract to teach “Journaling for Success” again this fall. If you missed the first class in September, don’t worry, there’s still time to register for the October 9th class.

As many of you know, Journaling is my favorite tool to get centered mentally, emotionally and spiritually! It has helped me to avoid many pitfalls and decisions I might later regret by getting in touch with my “gut” feelings. It amazes me sometimes how quickly I am ready to give my power away to others only to rue it later. That’s why I devised a whimsical “What’s Bugging Me” form. I get to lay out in writing “What’s Bugging Me,” “Why It’s Bugging Me,” “What Can I Do About It?” and lastly “What Did I Learn” from journaling about it.

But, that’s only one of the tremendous gifts of Journaling! I came up with a personal list of 30 ways to use Journaling successfully. Here are ten, not necessarily in order of importance but to give you an idea of the broad range of subjects where Journaling can further help you on your journey through life:

• A tool to take ACTION instead of procrastinating
• Attract people you want in your life at a new level of AWARENESS
• LOVE yourself more and stop putting others’ needs ahead of your own
• Let go of anxiety, especially over the things that you can CONTROL
• LET GO of the deadbeats and unsupportive people in your life with love
• DEFINE your own values and beliefs not those handed down to you
• Take back your POWER instead of being a people pleaser all the time
• Gain CLARITY about your life and what’s most important to you
• Learn how to ACT versus re-act to people, places, and things
• DEAL WITH “unfinished business” in your life–it’s blocking positive energy!

I trust the above will whet your appetite! If you are unable to attend the hands-on workshop on October 9, I will be happy to send you the Workbook for the small fee of $12.99, tax included. It is self-explanatory with lots of good tips, stories, anecdotes, and exercises you can do at leisure. It follows the workshop verbatim!

To register on line for the class please go to: www.miracosta.edu/Instruction/Community Education. This will lead you to “Community Services and Business Development classes.

I look forward to meeting you in class!

Shirley M. Carolan, ATM-G
Speaker/Freelance Writer
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663

Copyright© 2007 by Shirley Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any portion of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at artistwithaflair@att.net.