By Shirley M. Carolan
When Yogi Berra first coined that phrase, I doubt he knew how powerful and universal it would become. Today, we use it to describe a multitude of reasons for NOT giving up …whatever up means to us!
I want to share with you today what not giving UP means to me.
Regretably, We are a nation hooked on youth, good looks, and success, at any cost. We are fixated on it. But all of that is fleeting … leaving many to arrive at their “Golden Years” not knowing how to enjoy them, get the most out of them, and be grateful that they’ve arrived there. Aging is a privilege denied to many! Whatever your status is today, I’m sure you have family members who have reached their Golden Years and are not enjoying them.
Fear of old age keeps many folks prisoner to a bygone youth, lost opportunities, disappointments in love, the should’vs, could’vs, etc. The trick is to let go of the fear and embrace age as the wonderful, natural progression it is. President Kennedy said: “There is a time for everything …
Age has its PERKS! When you become a senior citizen doors are suddenly open that were closed before. You can now get discount tickets from a plethora of sources! E.g., Travel/Transportation, buses, trains; Theaters: plays, galleries, movie tickets, etc. Food – Restaurants offer specials for seniors. Beauty Parlors: offer specials and discounts for seniors, to name but a few.
I just turned 75 years old in May. What has kept me vibrant and interested, as well as interesting are hobbies such as Toastmasters International and public speaking, as a 27 year veteran of TM I can honestly say it has kept me “alive” and contributing. I love it when newcomers ask me “Will YOU mentor me?” When I joined TM back in 1981 I said “We live in a man’s world, therefore it’s time we learned how to communicate better with eachother!” The first night I attended a TM meeting I won the trophy for “Best Table Topics” and I’ve never looked back, or stopped talking.
8 Years ago I started oil painting lessons. Painting is one of my greatest joys. I find it very therapeutic as well as challenging, you never stop learning about style, color, composition, etc. When I am at my easel all negative thoughts or pesky challenges take a back row seat. I love painting seascapes and still life. Recently, I joined the Carlsbad Oceanside Art League and am exhibiting some of my paintings for sale there. Don’t you know in February this year the judges gave one of my oil paintings “honorable mention!” I think I have a head’s up on Grandma Moses. Also, I love visiting galleries, enjoying all the mixed media, charcoals, water colors, oil paintings, etc.
In my 60’s I took up acting and made my stage debut in the wonderful British farce “It Runs In The Family” by Ray Cooney at the Alterena Playhouse in Alameda, California. Farce is one of the most difficult “things” to play. Volunteering is another wonderful way to utilize talents, education and helping others:
Libraries - Reading to school kids
Hospital – Gift Shop I volunteered at Tri City Hospital after I had a total right shoulder replacement!
Meals on Wheels
Senior Centers
Whatever turns you on
Animals – I was in my 60s when I got my first animal a darling Pug/Terrier named Jake. I thought I was a good Christian until he came into my life. He taught me so many lessons from “UNCONDITIONAL LOVE” to ‘SETTING BOUNDARIES,” ETC. He became my constant companions and confidante! He was the husband I never had. His last 2 years he developed DIABETES and I had to give him insulin shots 2 x day! But he was marvelous right up until the end! I had him cremated and he’s in an urn in my home and will go with me to Eternal Hills when it’s my time to go!!
It’s a well known fact that animals keep older people happier and on the ball. At the very least they have someone else to look after and get out of their self absorption.
Turning your Knowledge into a Workshop/Seminar. I love sharing my knowledge with others. Last January I approached Mira Costa College to teach “Journaling For Success” classes, the benefits of Journaling and how it can help you focus during times of stress or big decision making times in your life!
Toastmasters International – I’m a 27 year member of Toastmasters International having joined in 1981! Women were only allowed to join in the 1970s. I love it. It keeps me on my toes, active, opportunities to speak out in front of a live audience, and most importantly an opportunity to mentor others!! I can’t recommend this wonderful organization enough. It is the largest, educational, non-profit organization in the world! I was in my 50s when I joined and the skills I’ve developed over the years are invaluable in what I do today – coach others in the fine art of public speaking …..
These are but a few activities that I enjoy and that keep me hopping. I’m sure you, or someone you love and care about also has many talents and avenues for expression. If not, then perhaps you can encourage them to get out of their comfort zone, stop licking their wounds, or loneliness and excuses and start enjoying life! Age definitely has its perks! I’m a living example of not giving up or expecting someone else to take care of me.
Folks, I’ve got news for you: “IT AIN’T OVER TILL ITS OVER!!”
Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Artist ● Speaker ● Writer
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663