By Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
There’s something about being called, or named, a “National Treasure,” as I was recently, that changes the dynamics of how one lives one’s life, perceives their fellow man, and gets to eradicate all negative behavior … or, at least decide if the ego is right, and reward it! H’m, how can that be?
Since this is a new phenomenon to me, I am intrigued by what I am discovering about myself. The “national treasure” bit is starting to sink in! After all, one must be at least in their 70s to be even considered for such a noble title! . Furthermore, one must at least have a modicum of sensory acuity, as my dear friend, Tony Robbins, would say. And, one must be willing to say “NO” when appropriate, not buy into other’s treatment of you and above all get rid of the need to major in minor matters! Wow, all this from just once being called an “NT!” .
Quirky as that may seem, that’s what I’m discovering on a daily basis! For example, before being called an “NT” I would rise to the bait if I heard something unsavory being said about me or someone else. Now, it seems I’m getting dozens of emails telling me to vote NO for Governor Sarah Palin, even before the election. I truly do not like being told what to do! I am quite capable of making up my own mind, especially with politics, without succumbing to being a sheep!
Another huge benefit of being called an “NT” is that I don’t have to fall into someone else’s agenda for my life. If someone reneges on something they told me earlier I don’t get into a snit anymore. Instead, I stop and ask myself “How would a “National Treasure” handle this!? Sometimes the answer surprises me! The end result is I get to see how much I’ve let my ego control my life! This is the latest in behavior modification!
How about you? Even if you’re not yet an “NT” how do you live your life? If you’re not sure how often you let your ego rule you, try Journaling the next time you are faced with an important decision!
Stay tuned for more golden nuggets.
Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Speaker ● Writer ● Artist
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663
Copyright© 2008 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you.