Wednesday, April 20, 2011


By Shirley M. Carolan

This weekend, my city held its annual, two-day, Outdoor Art Fair. The weather was magnificent and the setting was beautiful, since it was held down at the Civic Center amid the lovely fountains there. This event is sponsored by an all volunteer group – The Oceanside Cultural Arts Group. I can’t thank them enough!

I spent all Sunday afternoon there, oohing and aahing over art, pottery, blown glass, jewelry, dream catchers, etc. There must have been 100 featured artists as well as multiple food vendors, including the Knights of Columbus selling their famous hot dogs and hamburgers. I chose tacos from the St. Mary’s Youth Group.

Just prior to this event, I was mulling over how my health had changed, and how I had not been able to attend it for the last 2 years! A 10 day hospital stay ruined everything back then and I have not fully recovered my energy or walking ability. I was feeling a bit sorry for myself and asked myself “How much fun can I have when I have to get around with a walker?” That’s going to be a drag!

It’s amazing what good can happen when you have a shift in your thoughts. I told myself how lucky I was to be able to drive this year and not be stuck in a hospital bed! That did it. I’m so glad I had a change of heart because I had a wonderful afternoon. Parking was a snap, especially with a handicapped sticker. Also, I saw several others with their walkers enjoying themselves. My walker became a god-send because I could sit down and rest a few minutes if I got tired and still be amidst all the activity.

This experience also taught me to venture out to other events and not make the walker an excuse for not going! Folks are always out there to help you and share with you. That’s part of what I like about this fair. I visited “Artists Alley” between North Coast Highway and Pier View Way. There were some fantastic art pieces and pottery by folks in the military as well as senior citizens. They told me they wanted more folks to exhibit next year. Don’t you know I filled out the application and told them to count me in! Yippee! It’s back to the canvas and oils for me.

If you have a handicap I hope I’ve inspired you to overcome it and enjoy what life has to offer. Perhaps the best part about this fair is that its free! I look forward to seeing you at the fair next year!

Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Writer ● Speaker ● Artist
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663

Copyright© 2011 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank yo