Saturday, May 21, 2016


Shirley M. Carolan, ATM-G

This year I got to celebrate my birthday two days in a row!  Thursday evening my Tick Talk Toastmaster Club honored me with a scrumptious birthday cake, followed by gifts, good wishes and a beautiful tribute to me from President Pat Partin.  It was all unexpected and humbling.  Thank you all for making it such a special night!  Also it was great fun to see Jack Cummings and Eric Humber again (both former members of Tick Talk).

Last night Pat Partin treated me to a great dinner at Mimi’s.  The salmon was outstanding!  She then presented me with a beautiful necklace that I had lusted after weeks ago!  What a lovely surprise!  I will wear it with pride and honor.

When I got home there was a luscious azalea and homemade cake on my front porch from Bernard  and his family (the man who gives me communion every Sunday).

I feel truly blessed and honored by all this kindness from so many people, particularly since I didn’t think I would make it to this birthday.  As far as I know I am still in remission and life is good!

Again, my sincere thanks to all of you!

Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Writer ● Speaker ● Artist
760-732-0663, Cell 760-518-6493

Copyright© 2016 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you