By Shirley M. Carolan, ATM-G
How many times have you been told by a well meaning friend, spouse, neighbor, teacher, doctor, minister, etc. to remember that there’s an elephant in the room? What never? For example, maybe you have said to someone “I feel tired all the time,” or, “I’m going to go on a diet and lose some weight,” or, “I’m going to start walking 2 miles a day,” only to have that person tell you something negative that you’re forgetting about, or reminding you of some limitation that makes it impossible for you to achieve that dream?
Personally, I am sick and tired of doctors reminding me of my AGE! Or, being told that my AGE is to blame for such and such. In other words, AGE is the “elephant in the room!” What rubbish! I may be a senior citizen but if I truly believed that I might as well order my coffin now!
Recently, I told two specialists that I’m tired of living at only two speeds: no energy, and low energy. I want to get back physically to walking 2 miles a day without oxygen and without a walker, where I was a year ago before coming down with complications from pneumonia.. One doctor said “Well, that ain’t going to happen!” The other said “Well, you’ve got to remember the elephant in the room!” When I asked him what that was he said “Your AGE!” What a cop out! What rubbish!
I have friends my age and older who play tennis, go sailing, hike, etc. enjoying life and without giving a thought to their age. .You’re as old or as young as you feel! AGE is not the problem when you constantly fall down, lose your balance and break bones, as I have done. The elephant in the room for me has been leading a sedentary life style and not by choice! It’s hard to exercise or run around the block when you feel tired all the time.. It’s obvious that weak muscles are the culprit, not AGE! When you sit all day, whether reading, at your computer, or watching television, your muscles are not being used! Hence, they can atrophy! When you walk, get out of a car, go upstairs, etc. you are using muscles!
I’m doing a lot of research about balance and weak muscles and how to improve both. The world wide web is loaded with information on these subjects. I’m also taking a FREE 6 day Ecourse, with exercises to improve my balance and use my muscles. The course is designed by Mike Ross, along with videos and exercises you can do immediately. Check it out at Mike is an exercise physiologist who specializes in senior health and fitness. He has a degree in Fitness Management and is certified by the National Academy of Sports Medicine.
Also, I’m thinking of starting a support group for folks who have trouble with their balance and constantly fall down. While older folks are more likely to respond, it is not limited to them because some younger folks also have balance problems. More on this later.
Lastly, I urge you not to give your power away to AGE, or well meaning folks, or doctors who tell you to “remember the elephant in the room!” That’s their opinion. Thank you very much. What’s yours?
Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663
Copyright© 2010 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you
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