Sunday, April 04, 2010


BY Shirley M. Carolan, ATM-G

This Easter was a wonderful working holiday for me. I never thought I’d ever equate success with doing housework but that is just what happened. Last October, I thought I’d made giant strides in being able to wash/wax my kitchen floor while on oxygen and stopping every 10 minutes to rest. It must have taken me well over an hour to accomplish and then I had to rest. Today, I was able to do that without any oxygen or taking any breaks! Now that’s progress! I thanked God for giving me the strength and desire to do this.

Saturday, I tackled defrosting and cleaning my refrigerator. That was another matter but I still experienced wonderful progress in stamina and determination to finish the task. I did need to have my oxygen on while doing this task but so what? The bending, shifting, disposing of food items, moving and replacing trays took its toll, as I suspected it would, but I was so happy and grateful when I completed the task. It’s wonderful to see dairy products, veggies and other food all neatly lined up. I even got up in the middle of the night to go look in the refrigerator and see how spic and span everything looked!

Never in my lifetime have I ever been so proud of completing household chores that many others take for granted! The feeling of accomplishment has raised my spirits and my outlook and I know now I will never take housework for granted again, or nag about it.

They say “the best things in life are free,” and if that’s so, then taking my health back and my disposition are at the top of my list! I know now I am not a victim of my circumstances and neither do I have to wait or depend on others to help me when they can. I feel like instead of waiting for the storm to pass I am learning to dance in the rain!

May you enjoy the simple things in life too. Happy Easter everyone!

Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Writer ● Speaker ● Artist
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663

Copyright© 2010 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you


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