Thursday, May 22, 2008


By Shirley M. Carolan
My new mantra this year is Less is More! It is such a simple concept, yet for years I have not practiced it. I’ve never been able to get enough of whatever I wanted more of! H’m, that doesn’t sound right.

As a result of this stubborn mentality, I find myself at the age of 75 literally loaded with clutter throughout my house. It’s not just the myriad files and paper that I’m afraid to get rid of, in case I need something again, it’s all the useless knick-knacks, cutezy rabbit collection, but, it’s also the clothes! Granted, I live in a doll’s house where there isn’t even a broom closet to store mops, brooms, etc. and forget about a walk-in closet like my last abode. Hence, you get some idea of the magnitude of visible clutter!

It’s one thing to be a “sales” freak but it’s another to be a hoarder too! Maybe they go hand in hand? I was going to take digital pictures of all the clutter and send them to Oprah and beg for help. But, as I clicked the shutter the batteries were too low. So, I said to myself “You’ve made the decision to get rid of the clutter now get on with it!”

Can you imagine being overjoyed at spending your 75th Birthday getting rid of clutter in your house? It felt like I was getting a gorilla off my back! Whew! How many times I said “I should have a garage sale and bring in some much needed money from all this stuff I’ve collected!” But I never have.

Originally, I intended to treat myself to a nice lunch at one of those posh Solano Beach restaurants, right off Coast Highway. Then a brainwave hit me. Why not get rid of that 3 drawer chest of drawers with all those t-shirts, sweaters, and cardigans with each drawer catering to a different color? That seemed like a smashing idea until I saw each drawer was packed solid. H'm, that meant I had to get rid of some of the clothes. It was truly an agonizing decision on what to keep and what to give away, as memories flashed before me of when I had last worn that special piece.

Two hours later I was finally done with trying on and deciding what to keep and what to discard. Now, I had 3 piles of clothing before me. The "maybe" pile was the toughest to decide upon as I asked myself will I wear this again? Then I gradually inched the chest of draws out of the bedroom into the living room and finally to the front door. It was exhausting work but I was determined to prove to myself that I was serious about downsizing and committing to "Less is More!" Fortunately, my next door neighbor's son-in-law was visiting and pruning some bushes. I asked him would he help me get the chest of drawers out to the curbside, since this was garbage pick-up day and I was revamping my home. Fortunately, he was willing to help. Ah, sweet succes! I was beginning to feel lighter in spirit too!

Today, Welcome Home Ministries and Brother Beno’s are going to be the recipients of all my “stuff” including that new Epsom printer, scanner, copier that uses up too much ink too quickly. Gee, that makes me feel good knowing I can help others less fortunate than me! It’s just like recycling! And if I want better things in my life then I must make room for them to come in! Wow, this is a win-win situation!

The trunk of my car is now loaded up with the first round of donations. I figure if I work at my clutter for one hour a day I can be clutter free within the year, providing I am conscientious and don’t bring in any more unnecessary items into the house, from food, magazines, clothing, to whatever! Did I tell you that my freezer and refrigerator are chock block full too? Now that’s a goal worth striving to reach. Yes, less is definitely more!

Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Artist ● Speaker ● Writer
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663


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